The Blogging Language...

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"this is a valentines for single lady"

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Reflections of Me...

Through my journey...

The process of completing this whole blog is interesting yet it is tougher than I ever thought. For

someone, who has never ever blog before this, or never ever crossed my mind that I would be
designing a blog for myself it is truly something new for me to experienced. During the process, I
learn mostly designing techniques from different types of program and soft wares like the Adobe
Illustrator and also Adobe Photoshop. This particular soft wares are very useful in both editing
and cropping images, and yet user friendly. I find these program can be used not only blogging
but during webpage design or other production process, it may come in handy as well.

Furthermore, I find it is crucial for us to understand who is our target market and audience
before we decided on how to create our key messages. Messages should always be specifically
targeted towards an audience group, understanding the audience is usually the key in designing
the message itself. For my blog, my targeted audience like what I have said earlier on, therefore posting up most of the issues are related to the issue of new technology of publication that gives live to blogging, and also blogging issues like freedom to speech, and also the blogging ethics.

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